Spectrophotometer ,Colorimeter, Gloss Meter

Basic Knowledge of Colorimeter(Chroma Meter)

Time: 2018-04-16 From: 3nh Author: admin View: 402
Basic Knowledge of Colorimeter(Chroma Meter)Basic Knowledge of Colorimeter(Chroma Meter)
CIE Color Space:
In 1931, CIE(International Standard Lighting Council) established a series of color space standards for visible spectrum. The basic one is CIE XYZ(which is based on the visual ability of the standard observer--that is it reflects the standard range of visible color of the human eye.) Based on CIE XYZ, there are some other color space also appearance, like CIE xyY, CIE Lab, CIE Lch etc.  
Recently, almost all of the industry used the color space CIE Lab.
-L(Lightness)-0 is black,100 is white
-a(Red-Green)-positive values are red; negative values are green and 0 is neutral
-b(Blue-Yellow)-positive values are yellow;negative values are blue abd 0 is neutral
L: Lightness,value is the same in each scale C:Chroma H:Hue Angle

dE Total Color difference
Delta-E is a measurement used to indicate how much a color deviates from an accepted standards.The higher the dE, the more inaccurate the color.
