Comapre Data Between YS3060 With CM2600D spectrometer
Comapre Data Between YS3060 With CM2600D spectrometer One of my customer order 1pc CM2600D spectrophotometer recently, before send to them, I have made some testing for the data compare, those compare results are very interesting. As we aComapre Data Between YS3060 With CM2600D spectrometer
One of my customer order 1pc CM2600D spectrophotometer recently, before send to them, I have made some testing for the data compare, those compare results are very interesting.As we all know, the price for 日本 is about $7400, our model YS3060 Spectrophotometer is about $3500, less than half of CM2600D Spectrophotometer.
And both the model YS3060 and CM2600D with UV function, this is function is very important for the color measuring of material with fluorescent whiteness.

So based on those data, which model is your choice?
Any more doubts about color measuring machine,please don't hesitate to contact with me by skype Clara.3nh, whatsapp: +8613510310267 or by email