CRI Color Temperature Illumination C-7000 Chroma Meter
CRI Color Temperature Illumination C-7000 Chroma Meter
C-7000 chroma meter is made by Japan Sekonic Corportation, this company is a leader to providing lighting control equipemnt with over 6 decades for photo,video,cine industry. Lighting solution has become more and more important nowadays. With the overwhelming popularity of new light sources(LED and organic electroluminescence), that is to say, the technician also need to manage and control these sophisticated illlumination system.
The main function for C-70000 Spectromaster is for measure light sources like LED, HMI, fluorescent, natural light and electronic flash spectrum. Sekonic C-7000 with CMOS linear image sensor design and software, the wavelength for it is 380-780nm, It conforms to re- quirement of “Illuminance meter class” for JIS C 1609-1: 2006 “Illuminance meters Part 1: General measuring instruments” Class A, and DIN 5032 Part 7 Class C.
Wide measurement range of Color Temperature (1,563 to 100,000K) and illumination (1 to 200,000lx = 0.1 to 18,600fc in ambient light, 20 to 20,500lx • s = 1.86 to 1,900fc • s in flash light)